With no improvement to the forecasted incoming winter storm, Crawford County Community Schools will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, February 11. Stay safe and warm Wolfpack!
about 23 hours ago, Brandon Johnson
Winter Storm 02112025
We have decided to cancel our early release days for the rest of the school year to gain more instructional time with our students due to our recent winter weather. Therefore, Crawford County Community Schools will run on a normal schedule Wednesday, February 5, 2025 and Wednesday, May 7, 2025. These are no longer scheduled early release days.
13 days ago, Brandon Johnson
Calendar Change 2024-2025
This semester, we will be sharing out our ten new Wolfpack Power Traits -- what it truly means to be a member of the Wolfpack. For January, we focus on what it means to SHOW UP and COMMUNICATE!
15 days ago, Brandon Johnson
CCCS Families: Crawford County Community Schools will continue to operate on a 2hr delay for the next two days: Tuesday, January 21 and Wednesday, January 22. Thank you -- stay safe and warm Wolfpack!
22 days ago, Brandon Johnson
2hr Delay 01212025
Crawford County Community Schools will continue to operate on a 2hr delay schedule tomorrow, Monday January 20th. If your student cannot be picked up by the bus, the driver will notify the school. If you drop your child off at school tomorrow, please make arrangements to pick them up from school as well. Thank you!
23 days ago, Brandon Johnson
2hr delay 01202025
With the likely refreeze overnight of today's melting, Crawford County Community Schools will continue to operate on a 2hr delay again tomorrow, Friday, January 17th. If your student cannot be picked up by the bus, the driver will notify the school. If you drop your child off at school tomorrow, please make arrangements to pick them up from school as well. Thank you!
26 days ago, Brandon Johnson
2hr Delay 01172025
Crawford County Community Schools will operate on a 2hr delay again tomorrow, Thursday, January 16th. If your student cannot be picked up by the bus, the driver will notify the school. If you drop your child off at school tomorrow, please make arrangements to pick them up from school as well. Thank you!
27 days ago, Brandon Johnson
2hr Delay 01162025
Crawford County Community Schools will operate on a 2hr delay tomorrow, Wednesday, January 15th. If your student cannot be picked up by the bus, the driver will notify the school. If you drop your child off at school tomorrow, please make arrangements to pick them up from school as well. Stay safe and warm Wolfpack!
28 days ago, Brandon Johnson
2hr Delay 01052025
Unfortunately, we will have to have another eLearning Day tomorrow, Tuesday, January 14th. This decision is based on our corporation transportation department's experience today testing out bus routes and turnarounds.
29 days ago, Brandon Johnson
eLearning Day 01142025
Crawford County Community Schools will be closed again Monday, January 13th. As we have exhausted all of our built-in makeup days, this will be an eLearning day. Teachers will reach out to their students by tomorrow with assignments. We recognize that not all students may have access to devices or internet. There is three-day window when we return for all assignments to be submitted. Stay safe and warm Wolfpack!
about 1 month ago, Brandon Johnson
eLearning Day 01132025
Crawford County Community School Corporation will be closed for the rest of the week. We will be closed Thursday, January 9th and Friday, January 10th. The two make up days for these days will be Thursday, March 20th and Friday, March 21st. Stay safe and warm Wolfpack!
about 1 month ago, Brandon Johnson
Snow Day 01092025
Crawford County Community Schools will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, January 8th. The make up day for this will be Wednesday, March 19th.
about 1 month ago, Brandon Johnson
Snow Day 01082025
Crawford County Community Schools will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, January 7th. The make up day for this will be Monday, February 17th. Thank you and stay warm and safe!
about 1 month ago, Brandon Johnson
Snow Day 01072025
A successful first semester completed! Enjoy break, and we look forward to seeing our students return on Tuesday, January 7, 2025!
about 2 months ago, Brandon Johnson
End of 2024
CCCS Families -- with no improvement to tomorrow's weather forecast during this evening's news broadcasts, all Crawford County Schools will be closed tomorrow, Friday, September 27.
5 months ago, Brandon Johnson
Get your yard sign today!
5 months ago, Brandy Stroud
Just a reminder students do not have school tomorrow, Wednesday, September 25, 2024 due to staff having a professional development day. We look forward to seeing our students back on Thursday!
5 months ago, Brandon Johnson
PD Day 09252024
Join our career fair. See the flyer for more details!
6 months ago, Brandy Stroud
Here's to a great 2024-2025 school year!
6 months ago, Brandon Johnson
First Day 2024
You are invited to the official opening of our recently completed Fieldhouse on the Crawford County High/Middle School campus! Please join us and tour this beautiful new resource for our students on Tuesday, July 16th at 5pm. Parking will be in the back of the school.
7 months ago, Brandon Johnson
Fieldhouse Ribbon Cutting July 2024