The November 17th, 2020 Board Meeting has been moved to a VIRTUAL meeting through ZOOM.
Crawford County Community Schools Corporation seeks candidates for SUBSTITUTE WORKERS-teachers, cooks, janitors, aides and classroom monitors. All individuals wishing to be considered for substitute work during the 2020-2021 school year must complete an application. Applications for substitute candidates are available at the Office of the Superintendent, 5805 East Administration Road, Marengo, IN 47140 and from the MENU tab under employment from the school website! If you are currently on our substitute list and wish to be removed please call the superintendent’s office at 812-365-2135 and let us know.
The CCCS School Board approved our re-entry plan Tuesday night. You may read the plan in its entirety at the link below.
Please see the following update from superintendent Mike Key regarding the return to school in August.
Click the following link for the 5.19.2020 Board Meeting. If asked, the password to view the video is 0m&46=Gd
Join us for tonight's school board meeting at 7pm online!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 4211 0983
Password: 4A8bi5
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 871 4211 0983
Password: 458867
Click the following link for the 4.21.2020 Board Meeting. If asked, the password to view the video is 1U=2^4v*
Join us for tonight's school board meeting at 7pm online!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 977 5132 2006
Password: 4VkSqq
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 977 5132 2006
Password: 879357
CCCS- Continuous Learning Plan -
Grab n' Go Meals
Please fill out this survey if you wish to participate in the school's Food Distribution Program beginning on Monday, March 30th. Surveys needs completed by Tuesday, March 24th to allow for planning time:
Yesterday afternoon, the governor declared all schools remain closed until May 1st.
All appropriate agencies will continue to closely monitor the situation regarding the Coronavirus. We will pass updates as we receive them to you through our call system, website, and social media. The administrative team will be meeting after Spring Break to update our current response to this extended school closure and develop an academic plan to deliver education to our students.
In regard to meals being provided by the school, we will need you to fill out a survey so we can provide meals to all children 18 years of age and younger. The survey will be posted on the schools’ websites and social media pages this morning. Once we get this information, the plan will be to distribute ten meals a week per child beginning on Monday, March 30th. This will give each child breakfast and lunch for the week. We will do this each Monday, beginning on March 30th, until such time it is no longer needed. Distribution points will be each elementary school, the middle school, the high school, and the former English Elementary.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we navigate this unique situation. We will continually update you, but for now, stay safe and enjoy spring break.
Click the following link for the 3.17.2020 board meeting
CCCS Pandemic Response Plan: Our corporation's guidelines for responding to a potential pandemic
Crawford County Schools will operate on a 2hr delay today, Thursday, February 27th.
Crawford County School Corporation is seeking employment for a Full-Time Head Custodian at South Crawford Elementary.
Crawford County Community School Corporation's Monthly Board Meeting has been moved to December 23rd, 2019 at 6:00 p.m executive session and 7:00 p.m regular session.
Despite what is being reported on several news stations, Crawford County Schools will be in session tomorrow, Tuesday, November 19th. A delegation of teachers will be traveling to Indianapolis to show our support of RedforEd, but school will proceed as normal.
Special Board Meeting on Wednesday, November 13th, 2019 at 7:00 PM for executive session at the Crawford County Administration Building. Regular session to follow at 7:15 PM.
Bargaining Summary:
Public Notice: