Our schools are off for the rest of the week to allow for our students and staff to spend time with their loved ones for the holiday. We will be happy to see our students return on Monday, November 28th!

We were thrilled to host @ChrisPombonyo yesterday from Get Your Teach On! as we looked at how we collect data in the classroom to provide real-time feedback and create immediate reteaching opportunities where needed! #WolfpackPOWER #GetYourTeachOn

Good morning. This is Brandon Johnson, Superintendent of Crawford County Schools, with a message for all our Wolfpack families. Two of our sites are currently without power, internet, or phones or are experiencing intermittent service. Depending on the length of this outage, there is a possibility we may have to send all students home early today. More details will follow as we are having to make rapid changes to plans as the outage continues. Regardless of what the power does, I will make another update soon. However, we wanted to give families this lead time to make plans for their students just in case. I will send out another message soon. Thank you.

Food Service help needed!

Crawford County Schools will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, February 3rd. An ice storm warning has been issued for most of the region for Thursday with winter storm warnings to the north and winter weather advisories to the south. We will operate Thursday as an eLearning day along with Friday and Monday as previously planned.
However, we want to convey this message to parents and students.
If the local or state government declare a state of emergency in regard to travel, we do not want students traveling to gain connectivity to complete school work. You will be given additional time when you return to school to complete assignments. Also, if there are power outages in the county, we will also treat this in the same manner. You will be given additional time upon your return to school to complete work.
Please be safe, and we look forward to your in person return to school on Tuesday.

Due to forecasts of wind chills below zero degrees tomorrow morning, all Crawford County Schools will be on a two hour delay tomorrow, Wednesday, January 26th.

County road conditions have not improved today, and with the temperature as low as forecasted tomorrow morning, they show no signs of improving then either. Therefore, all Crawford County Schools will remain virtual tomorrow, Tuesday, January 18th. As this is a virtual day due to weather, Prosser transportation will not run.

The 2022-2023 School Calendar was approved at the 01.12.22 School Board Meeting. See link.

Tonights school board meeting will be held at the Crawford County High School Cafeteria. Regular session is at 6:30

All Crawford County Community Schools will continue with eLearning on Friday, January 7th due to winter weather.

Due to impending winter weather, Thursday, January 6th will be an eLearning day for all Crawford County Schools.

Notice of Public Meeting is hereby given for the Superintendent contract, salary, and benefits on January 12th, 2022 at 5:00 P.M at 1130 IN-66, Marengo, IN 47140. Link is below.

Crawford County Schools will be operating on a 2 hour delay today, December 8th.

The Crawford County School Board will meet in executive session on Monday, November 22nd at 1pm followed by a public session. This meeting will be held virtually. If you wish to attend, please join us with the link below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 1701 2915
Passcode: tX5SiC

Notice of the Public Meeting is hereby given for October 27th, 2021 at 5:00 P.M at the Crawford County Administration Office for comment on the Ratification of the 2021-2022 Teacher Contract between the Crawford County Community School Corporation Board of Trustees and the Crawford County Teachers Association.

Notice of the Public Meeting is hereby given for September 21st 2021 at 5:00 P.M at the Crawford County High School Cafeteria with the Crawford County Community Schools and the Classroom Teachers Association. See attached link.

The CCCS COVID re-entry plan has been updated. Please see page 2 of the attached document to review our updated protocols for re-entry. We're looking forward to seeing everyone Monday!

Mr. Key has conferred with the county commissioners, and they have alerted him that the travel ban will continue for the rest of the week. Therefore, all Crawford County Schools will remain closed for the rest of the week. Students will not have assignments, and staff will not telework.
Our makeup days for this week will be the week of March 29th which is the week after Spring Break. The entire week will be virtual days for our students and will serve as our “cool down” week following a long break, as we previously used after Thanksgiving & Christmas, to slow the potential spread of COVID-19.

Please join us for tonight's board meeting around 7pm. The public will be approved to enter the meeting as soon as executive session is over.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 4503 9105
Passcode: Q3L7NG
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 872 4503 9105
Passcode: 676857

Information regarding 1095-C
Employees and/or Retirees may receive a copy of their 1095-C upon request. You may email Tina Key at tkey@cccs.k12.in.us or a written request can be sent to 5805 E. Administration Rd. Marengo, IN 47140. If you have any questions you may call 812-365-2135.